Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Ok, it's time to start some preliminary talks of all things 'laminated list'or sometimes known as the 'lamination list'! The much mentioned, yet under discussed, 'laminated list'. The laminated list is a list of 5 people who you would like to be with, even if for a brief moment, but with the consent of your partner. Therefore, the list must be laminated. It is not a list that can be chopped and changed. "oh Matt Damon is coming to Melbourne I'm putting him on the list' Oh no, this is a concrete unchangeable list, that all are aware of, so if the case arises, there will be no shocks if I did happen to pash Matt Damon when he is next in Melbourne!!

So having given you a brief explanation of the 'lamination list', it's time for the deeper discussion and hard thinking. The lamination list may be just as easy as 1, 2 ,3 , 4, 5 for some but there are factors to mess with you people! Some examples, should I put Matt Damon on my list? clearly he is my number 1 but do i really want to sneak off for one night/pash with him? no, i want to spend the rest of my living days with him!!! Does this qualify him for the list??? Not as cut and dried as you first thought is it??? There are also the cute kiddies that you would most happily have a quick pash with, but are they worthy of the list? There are the boys that you have loved forever, you thought they were hot in the 80's and you love them now because you loved them in the 80's but are they worthy? There are only 5 places!!!!!!

So many boys, so few spots on the laminated list. I have had the same laminated list for quite a number of years now, but I find myself recently wondering if I need a reshuffle, get some new blood in!!! It's tough, but the list must be made!!!!!

Go forth and laminate ladies!!!!! I will share mine, if you share yours!!!!!


JK said...

What are the rules when your number 1 spot dies? Do I bump up number 2 and add one at 5?

Anonymous said...

My list has Cameron Diaz, Melissa Etheridge (I had to stop myself jumping on her during a concert about 10 years ago!!), Shane from The L Word (but I don't know if the character can be on the list rather than the actor), , Johnny Depp and there's still a gap - at this stage. I'll let you know. This has been fun to think about, better than how to best teach procedural texts to 8 year olds...

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